Ken Goldberg

Title Professor
Office 425 Sutardja Dai Hall
Phone Number 510-643-9565
Home Page
Research Interests robotics for auotmated manufacturing, motion planning algorithms for feeding, sorting, fixturing and assembly, desing of parts and devices for automation, robotics in multimedia applications, internet interfaces, collaborative filtering

Classes Taught

SectionsArrow asc Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course? Other Instructors
CS294 Fall 1997 Section 5 5.8 / 7 5.8 / 7
CS287 Spring 2000 6.3 / 7 5.7 / 7
CS287 Spring 2002 4.8 / 7 5.1 / 7
EE106B Spring 2016 unavailable unavailable Ruzena Bajcsy, S. Shankar Sastry
CS298 Fall 2020 Section 15 unavailable unavailable Pieter Abbeel
Totals Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
EE106B (1) 5.4 / 7 4.7 / 7
Undergraduate Courses (1) 5.4 / 7 4.7 / 7
CS287 (2) 5.6 / 7 5.4 / 7
CS294 (1) 5.8 / 7 5.8 / 7
CS298 (1) 5.6 / 7 5.1 / 7
Graduate Courses (4) 5.4 / 7 5.3 / 7