Electrical Engineering 223

Title Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control
Units 3
Prerequisites 226A (which students are encouraged to take concurrently).
Description Parameter and state estimation. System identification. Nonlinear filtering. Stochastic control. Adaptive control.
Sections Instructor Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
Fall 2022 Venkat Anantharam unavailable unavailable
Spring 2021 Venkat Anantharam unavailable unavailable
Spring 2020 Venkat Anantharam unavailable unavailable
Spring 2018 Venkat Anantharam unavailable unavailable
Spring 2015 Venkat Anantharam 5.8 / 7 6.4 / 7
Fall 2011 Venkat Anantharam 6.0 / 7 6.2 / 7
Fall 2008 Venkat Anantharam 4.4 / 7 5.4 / 7
Fall 2008 Venkat Anantharam 4.4 / 7 5.4 / 7
Spring 2007 Venkat Anantharam 4.9 / 7 4.9 / 7
Spring 1999 M. Prandini 4.1 / 7 4.7 / 7
Fall 1996 Wei Ren 4.8 / 7 6.0 / 7
Spring 1993 Wei Ren 4.5 / 7 4.8 / 7
Spring 1992 Wei Ren 5.2 / 7 4.5 / 7
Spring 1991 Pravin Varaiya 6.5 / 7 5.9 / 7
Spring 1990 A. Ridder 3.7 / 7 2.3 / 7
Spring 1989 R. Cieslak 5.7 / 7 4.7 / 7
Overall Rating Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
5.3 / 7 5.3 / 7
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