Computer Science 270

Title Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures
Units 3
Prerequisites 170.
Description Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems. Network flow theory, matching theory, matroid theory; augmenting-path algorithms; branch-and-bound algorithms; data structure techniques for efficient implementation of combinatorial algorithms; analysis of data structures; applications of data structure techniques to sorting, searching, and geometric problems.
Sections Instructor Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
Spring 2023 Jelani Nelson 6.6 / 7 6.4 / 7
Spring 2021 Prasad Raghavendra 6.1 / 7 5.7 / 7
Spring 2017 Satish Rao hidden 5.7 / 7
Spring 2016 Christos Papadimitriou 6.4 / 7 6.0 / 7
Spring 2015 Lap Chi Lau 5.7 / 7 5.8 / 7
Spring 2013 Satish Rao hidden 5.1 / 7
Spring 2010 Richard M. Karp 5.4 / 7 5.2 / 7
Fall 2008 Richard M. Karp 5.6 / 7 5.5 / 7
Spring 2008 Satish Rao hidden 4.7 / 7
Spring 2007 Richard M. Karp 6.2 / 7 5.5 / 7
Spring 2006 Satish Rao hidden 4.6 / 7
Spring 2005 Christos Papadimitriou 6.1 / 7 5.8 / 7
Spring 2004 Satish Rao hidden 5.3 / 7
Fall 2001 Satish Rao hidden 4.9 / 7
Spring 2001 Alistair Sinclair 6.1 / 7 5.7 / 7
Spring 2000 Satish Rao hidden 5.4 / 7
Spring 1999 Alistair Sinclair 5.9 / 7 5.6 / 7
Spring 1998 Christos Papadimitriou 6.4 / 7 6.0 / 7
Spring 1997 Edith Cohen 4.8 / 7 5.4 / 7
Fall 1995 David Wolfe 4.1 / 7 4.3 / 7
Fall 1994 Alistair Sinclair 6.2 / 7 5.8 / 7
Spring 1994 Michael Luby 5.6 / 7 5.0 / 7
Fall 1993 Eugene Lawler 3.5 / 7 4.0 / 7
Spring 1993 Eugene Lawler 5.0 / 7 5.5 / 7
Fall 1992 David Wolfe 3.2 / 7 4.2 / 7
Fall 1991 Raimund Seidel 5.1 / 7 4.9 / 7
Fall 1990 Richard M. Karp 6.2 / 7 5.0 / 7
Fall 1989 Eugene Lawler 4.9 / 7 4.6 / 7
Fall 1988 M. Bern 5.6 / 7 3.9 / 7
Overall Rating Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
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