Computer Science 263

Title Design of Programming Languages
Units 3
Prerequisites 164.
Description Selected topics from: analysis, comparison, and design of programming languages, formal description of syntax and semantics, advanced programming techniques, structured programming, debugging, verification of programs and compilers, and proofs of correctness.
Sections Instructor Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
Fall 2021 Alvin Cheung unavailable unavailable
Fall 2019 Alvin Cheung unavailable unavailable
Spring 2019 Koushik Sen unavailable unavailable
Spring 2014 George Necula 6.4 / 7 5.9 / 7
Fall 2012 George Necula 6.4 / 7 6.0 / 7
Spring 2012 George Necula 5.5 / 7 5.3 / 7
Spring 2010 George Necula 6.1 / 7 5.9 / 7
Spring 2008 Dana Scott 5.1 / 7 4.8 / 7
Spring 2007 George Necula 5.8 / 7 6.5 / 7
Fall 2005 George Necula 6.4 / 7 6.0 / 7
Fall 2003 George Necula 6.4 / 7 6.3 / 7
Fall 2002 George Necula 5.9 / 7 5.6 / 7
Fall 2001 George Necula 5.6 / 7 4.9 / 7
Fall 2000 George Necula 4.4 / 7 4.7 / 7
Spring 1999 George Necula 5.8 / 7 5.8 / 7
Spring 1998 Alexander Aiken 6.4 / 7 5.7 / 7
Spring 1997 M. Abadi 6.2 / 7 4.6 / 7
Spring 1996 Katherine Yelick 5.0 / 7 5.1 / 7
Fall 1994 Paul Hilfinger 5.8 / 7 4.7 / 7
Spring 1994 Katherine Yelick 5.5 / 7 5.1 / 7
Fall 1992 Katherine Yelick 5.0 / 7 4.9 / 7
Fall 1991 Katherine Yelick 5.2 / 7 4.8 / 7
Fall 1989 Susan L. Graham 4.8 / 7 4.3 / 7
Overall Rating Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
5.8 / 7 5.4 / 7
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