Computer Science 261N

Title Internet and Network Security
Units 4
Prerequisites 161 or familiarity with basic security concepts; Electrical Engineering 122 or equivalent.
Description Develops a thorough grounding in Internet and network security suitable for those interested in conducting research in the area or those more broadly interested in security or networking. Potential topics include denial-of-service; capabilities; network intrusion detection/prevention; worms; forensics; scanning; traffic analysis; legal issues; web attacks; anonymity; wireless and networked devices; honeypots; botnets; scams; underground economy; attacker infrastructure; research pitfalls.
Sections Instructor Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
Spring 2020 Vern Paxson unavailable unavailable
Fall 2016 Vern Paxson unavailable unavailable
Spring 2015 Vern Paxson 6.6 / 7 6.5 / 7
Spring 2014 Vern Paxson 6.8 / 7 6.6 / 7
Fall 2012 Vern Paxson 6.9 / 7 6.9 / 7
Summer 2012 Vern Paxson 6.8 / 7 6.1 / 7
Spring 2012 Vern Paxson 6.7 / 7 6.1 / 7
Overall Rating Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
6.8 / 7 6.4 / 7
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