David Patterson

Title Professor
Office 579 Soda Hall
Phone Number 642-6587
Email pattrsn@cs.berkeley.edu
Home Page http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~pattrsn/
Research Interests Computer Architecture & Engineering, Computer Architecture and Systems: Design, performance, and dependability; mass storage & networks of workstations

Classes Taught

Sections Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?Arrow asc Other Instructors
CS375 Spring 2016 unavailable unavailable Armando Fox
CS294 Spring 2008 Section 23 5.7 / 7 4.6 / 7
CS194 Fall 2008 Section 4 5.0 / 7 5.3 / 7 Armando Fox
CS301 Fall 2006 6.3 / 7 5.3 / 7
CS294 Fall 2006 Section 1 5.7 / 7 5.3 / 7
CS252 Spring 2001 5.8 / 7 5.4 / 7
CS294 Fall 2004 Section 4 5.9 / 7 5.5 / 7
CS194 Fall 2009 Section 4 5.4 / 7 5.6 / 7 Armando Fox
CS252 Spring 2006 6.3 / 7 5.7 / 7
CS252 Fall 1988 6.0 / 7 5.7 / 7
CS252 Spring 1990 6.0 / 7 5.7 / 7
CS61C Fall 2000 5.7 / 7 5.8 / 7
CS252 Fall 1994 5.8 / 7 5.9 / 7
CS252 Spring 1998 6.3 / 7 5.9 / 7
CS169 Fall 2013 Section 0 5.9 / 7 6.0 / 7 Armando Fox
CS61C Spring 2012 Section 0 5.6 / 7 6.0 / 7
CS294 Fall 2010 Section 61 5.7 / 7 6.0 / 7 Armando Fox
CS294 Spring 2009 Section 33 6.0 / 7 6.0 / 7 Koushik Sen, Krste Asanovic
CS252 Fall 1996 6.2 / 7 6.0 / 7
CS294 Fall 2001 Section 4 6.3 / 7 6.0 / 7
CS169 Spring 2012 Section 0 5.5 / 7 6.1 / 7 Armando Fox, Koushik Sen
CS61C Spring 2011 Section 0 5.6 / 7 6.1 / 7 Randy Katz
CS169 Spring 2016 unavailable unavailable Armando Fox
CS152 Fall 2003 6.3 / 7 6.2 / 7
CS61C Fall 2001 6.4 / 7 6.2 / 7 Dan Garcia
CS61C Fall 2002 6.3 / 7 6.2 / 7 Dan Garcia
CS169 Fall 2012 Section 0 5.6 / 7 6.2 / 7 Armando Fox
CS152 Fall 2004 6.2 / 7 6.3 / 7 John Lazzaro
CS61C Spring 1999 6.6 / 7 6.3 / 7
CS61C Fall 2010 6.0 / 7 6.4 / 7 Randy Katz
CS294 Spring 2010 Section 55 6.5 / 7 6.4 / 7 Michael Franklin
CS152 Fall 1997 6.6 / 7 6.4 / 7
CS152 Spring 1995 Section 2 6.3 / 7 6.5 / 7 S. Kong
CS294 Spring 1996 Section 4 6.6 / 7 6.5 / 7
CS152 Fall 1995 Section 2 6.5 / 7 6.6 / 7
CS152 Fall 1995 Section 1 6.3 / 7 6.6 / 7
CS152 Spring 1995 Section 1 6.7 / 7 6.7 / 7 S. Kong
Totals Teaching Effectiveness How worthwhile was this course?
CS61C (7) 6.0 / 7 6.1 / 7
CS152 (7) 6.4 / 7 6.5 / 7
CS169 (3) 5.7 / 7 6.1 / 7
CS194 (2) 5.2 / 7 5.4 / 7
Undergraduate Courses (19) 5.8 / 7 6.0 / 7
CS252 (7) 6.1 / 7 5.8 / 7
CS294 (8) 6.1 / 7 5.8 / 7
CS301 (1) 6.3 / 7 5.3 / 7
CS375 (1)
Graduate Courses (17)