All Events

Start Time Name LocationArrow asc Event Type
Wed 09/10/08 07:30AM Google Lightning Talks Hogan Room (521 Cory) Industry
Wed 09/10/08 11:00AM Google Tech Talk 306 Soda Hall Industry
Thu 09/11/08 05:00AM Microsoft Office Hours 373 Soda Industry
Thu 09/11/08 11:30AM Microsoft Tech Talk 306 Soda Hall Industry
Mon 09/15/08 10:00AM Citadel Infosession Hogan Room (521 Cory) Industry
Wed 09/24/08 05:00AM EECS Career Fair Pauley Ballroom Industry
Tue 09/30/08 10:00AM National Instruments Infosession Hughes Room, Cory Hall (400) Industry
Thu 10/02/08 11:00AM VMware Infosession Hogan Room, Cory Hall (521) Industry
Wed 10/08/08 11:00AM Pelago Infosession - free cheeseboard! 45 Evans Industry
Thu 10/16/08 11:30AM Palantir Interview Workshop 306 SODA Industry
Wed 10/22/08 11:00AM Quia Infosession 45 Evans Industry
Wed 10/29/08 10:00AM Palantir Infosession Cory Hall, Hogan room (521) Industry
Sun 11/09/08 10:00AM MIT Lincoln Laboratories Infosession 3 Evans Industry
Mon 11/17/08 10:30AM Qualcomm Tech Talk: Android and the Future of Open Source OS Wozniak Lounge Industry
Tue 11/18/08 08:00AM Interview Prep Workshop 405 Soda Industry
Thu 03/05/09 10:30AM HKN Coding Competition 306 SODA Industry
Tue 03/10/09 07:00AM HKN Startup Fair 120ABC Bechtel Industry
Mon 09/14/09 11:00AM Quia Infosession 71 Evans Industry
Tue 09/15/09 05:00AM Google Intern Panel Luncheon Wozniak Lounge Industry
Tue 09/15/09 11:00AM Google Infosession Wozniak Lounge Industry