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Past Events

Start TimeArrow desc Name Location Event Type
Mon 09/20/10 11:00AM Ice Cream Social Ben and Jerry's on Shattuck st. Fun
Mon 09/20/10 11:00AM Sybase Infosession HP Auditorium (306 Soda) Industry
Sun 09/19/10 10:00AM CS61A Review Session 306 Soda Miscellaneous
Sun 09/19/10 08:00AM EE20 Review Session 277 Cory Miscellaneous
Sat 09/18/10 12:00PM Members' Pot Luck The Woz Fun
Fri 09/17/10 11:00AM Members' Rock Climbing Iron Works Climbing Gym, meet at HMC Fun
Tue 09/14/10 10:00AM National Instruments Infosession The Woz Industry
Mon 09/13/10 11:00AM Deloitte Consulting Infosession 521 Cory Hall (Hogan Room) Industry
Sat 09/11/10 12:00PM Members' Movie Night The Woz Miscellaneous
Thu 09/09/10 10:00AM Twitter Infosession Wozniak Lounge Industry
Wed 09/08/10 11:00AM Qualcomm Infosession Wozniak Lounge Industry
Tue 09/07/10 11:00AM Palantir Infosession The Woz Industry
Sun 05/09/10 05:00AM Study/Destress Days! The Woz Miscellaneous
Sat 05/08/10 05:00AM Study/Destress Days! The Woz Miscellaneous
Sun 05/02/10 04:00AM HKN Elections HP Auditorium (306 Soda) Miscellaneous
Sat 05/01/10 04:00PM After Banquet Awesomeness ...and ruin the surprise? Miscellaneous
Sat 05/01/10 12:30PM HKN Banquet Neptune's Palace, Pier 39 Miscellaneous
Sat 05/01/10 10:45AM HKN Initiation HP Auditorium(306 Soda) Mandatory for Candidates
Mon 04/26/10 11:00AM Root Beer Float Night The Woz Fun
Sun 04/25/10 02:45AM Laser Tag with UPE Meet at HMC Fun