HKN Officers, Fall 2007

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President (pres@hkn)

Albert Lai

Vice President (vp@hkn)

Lahini Arunachalam

Recording Secretary (rsec@hkn)

Benjamin Blackman

Corresponding Secretary (csec@hkn)

Johnny Tran

Treasurer (treas@hkn)

Michael Chang

Department Relations (deprel@hkn)

Jeff Jensen

Alumni Relations (alumrel@hkn)

Eugene Li


Activities (act@hkn)

Hong Hu Officer
Vishay Nihalani Officer
Sandy Wiraatmadja Officer

Bridge (bridge@hkn)

Shah Bawany Officer
Edward Chen Officer
Arpad Kovacs Officer
Jerry Zhang Officer

Computing Services (compserv@hkn)

Keaton Mowery Officer
Hisham Zarka Officer
Ryan Zheng Officer


Suhaas Prasad Officer

Exam Files (examfiles@hkn)

Chris Lay Officer

Industrial Relations (indrel@hkn)

Mehdi Abderezai Officer
Patrick Au Officer
Stephen Shum Officer
Jian Wong Officer

Publicity (pub@hkn)

Aimee Moriwaki Officer
Alan Wu Officer

Student Relations (studrel@hkn)

Nir Ackner Officer

Tutoring (tutoring@hkn)

Michelle Au Officer
Darren Lo Officer

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