HKN Officers, Fall 2003

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President (pres@hkn)

Calvin Ling

Vice President (vp@hkn)

Cedric Han

Recording Secretary (rsec@hkn)

Amy Wung

Corresponding Secretary (csec@hkn)

Geoff Morrison

Treasurer (treas@hkn)

Kun Gao

Department Relations (deprel@hkn)

Allen Tsao

Alumni Relations (alumrel@hkn)

Rupert Chen


Activities (act@hkn)

Eric Roller Officer
Nikita Shah Officer
Amy Wu Officer

Bridge (bridge@hkn)

Tina Dong Officer
Isaac Seetho Officer
Jan Vuong Officer

Computing Services (compserv@hkn)

Karl Chen Officer
Daniel Hsu Officer
Jeffry West Officer


Raman Gulati Officer
Ben Heilers Officer

Exam Files (examfiles@hkn)

Jin Luo Officer
Andy Pang Officer

Industrial Relations (indrel@hkn)

Vu Nguyen Officer
Brandon Ooi Officer
Albert Wang Officer
Alan Wei Officer

Publicity (pub@hkn)

Connie Huang Officer
Kevin Wang Officer

Student Relations (studrel@hkn)

Mimi Yang Officer

Tutoring (tutoring@hkn)

Wonsop Sim Officer

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